Pyramid Tea Bags - Organic Sencha Green Tea - Genuine Tea Company - Toronto - Canada

Pyramid Tea Bags - Organic Sencha Green Tea  - Genuine Tea Company - Toronto - Canada
Bag of Pyramid Tea Bags - Organic Sencha Green Tea  - Genuine Tea Company - Toronto - Canada
Leaves of Pyramid Tea Bags - Organic Sencha Green Tea  - Genuine Tea Company - Toronto - Canada
Ingredients of Pyramid Tea Bags - Organic Sencha Green Tea  - Genuine Tea Company - Toronto - Canada
Video of Pyramid Tea Bags - Organic Sencha Green Tea  - Genuine Tea Company - Toronto - Canada

Pyramid Tea Bags - Organic Sencha Green Tea - Genuine Tea Company - Toronto - Canada

Regular price $88.19
  • Ships from within Canada
  • Fast and free shipping across Canada on orders over CAD $199. CAD $25 shipping fee for orders less than CAD $199.

Pyramid Tea Bags - Organic Sencha Green Tea  - Genuine Tea Company - Toronto - Canada

Sencha is high in polyphenols and is the most popular tea in Japan. This pure green tea is grown near the seaside town of Kagoshima on the beautiful volcanic island of Kyushu, Japan. The soil in the region is rich and the climate is subtropical - the ideal growing conditions for green tea. The steaming process imparts a clean, refreshing and grassy flavour profile making Organic Sencha the perfect everyday green tea.