Top Deals, Overstock and Clearance - Shelf-Stable Products - Canada

19 products

19 products

Top Deals, Overstock and Clearance - Save Big!

Check this category often for Top Deals, Overstock, Clearance and Special Offer Bulk Finds.

Here are the Four Basic Reasons why these products are in our Top Deals and Clearance section:
  • We or one of our vendors may be overstocked (too much inventory at hand).

  • We or one of our vendors may be discontinuing some items.

  • Some products may be closer to the "Best Before" date (still perfectly okay to use).

  • We may have found a Limited Time, Special Offer Bulk Deal from one of our vendors that offers you additional value and savings.

Please Note:
  "Best Before"
(found on shelf-stable products with flexible consumption dates) is different from "Use By" (found on products like meat and dairy, which spoil quickly and can be harmful). Generally, it's still safe to enjoy shelf stable products for up to twelve months after the suggested "Best Before" date. 

Please Note:  On most shelf stable products "Best Before" does NOT mean that it's "Bad After"! In fact, for this reason, the Canadian laws are being updated to only show a production date rather than the Best Before date on shelf stable products.

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