Summer Sale Collection
1399 items
1399 items
How it Works: Add $1600 worth of products from this collection to your cart and receive a free $500 Fun Foods Canada gift card with your order! (Over 30% cashback!) The gift card never expires. Enjoy massive savings in our most favourite time of the year!
Nearly all products are eligible for the Summer Sale! Just add $1600 worth of products in this collection to your cart and you get a free gift card!
Important: Once you meet the promo requirement, you must also add the gift card to your cart, don't worry the price will be set to free.
Spend More to Save More: This offer stacks! For instance, you can add $3200 worth of products to your cart and add 2 gift cards ($1000) and both gift cards will be set to free! Spend more to save more! Stock up on supplies this Summer season and get rewarded with over 30% cashback!
Limited Time Only: Summer Sale offer expires on July 15th @ 12:00 AM. Place as many orders as you like until then and stock up on gift cards in our most amazing Summer promotion!