White Chocolate Filling (4 x 1 kg)

White Chocolate Filling
White Chocolate Filling (4 x 1 kg)
White Chocolate Filling (4 x 1 kg)

White Chocolate Filling (4 x 1 kg)

Prix régulier $88.12
  • Expédié depuis le Canada
  • Livraison rapide et gratuite partout au Canada pour les commandes de plus de 199 $ CAD. Frais d'expédition de 25 $ CAD pour les commandes inférieures à 199 $ CAD.

White Chocolate Filling (4 x 1 kg)

White chocolate filling is so versatile, you can use it in cakes, cupcakes and frosting. White chocolate makes a great cake icing as well. This ready-to-use white chocolate has the perfect texture and taste to use in any home baking project."


Ganache filling, Moulding, Enrobing, Cakes, Bars & Tablets, Brownies, Confi-series, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cake, Clusters, Cookies, Cupcakes, Donuts, Enrobed Pralines, Event Cakes, Macarons, Mendiants, Molded Bonbons & Pralines, Muffins & Quick breads, Panning, Pie, Truffles, Viennoiserie

Storage & Shelf Life

Keep it in a cool place and away from direct sunlight, we are not responsible for bad storage conditions.